Friday, June 25, 2010

New Blog~

Life can surprise you sometimes. This time last year, I never thought I would be back in Shanghai doing research on the World Expo, and sponsored by the school. Nevertheless, here I am. To keep those updated with the experiences I have while in Shanghai this summer, I have created a new blog: Please check it out. :)

Bye for now~

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Tonight is the night. They say there will be 60-80 meteors an hour....for each one, I wish you all to be healthy and to succeed wherever you are~ I am....We've finally moved into our new house. It's one storey, with a walk-out basement. There's way too many light switches, basically all windows have shades on both top and bottom, there's a central vacuum system, etc. The previous owners made it so fancy... I feel like there is so much else in the house I don't know about...

Life here is different. Everyone has a basement. All backyards are connected with out fences (save one or two). There is a playground set in at least 70% of the houses' backyards. Everyone has a deck/balcony. There is so much green here! All the lawns are so nicely kept...

The city is different as well. Marion, Iowa is a small city. Hy-Vee is the grocery store here. The best part about Hy-Vee, it has a Chinese Take-Out at each one! Apparently it's one the Top 100 Chinese Restaurants in the US~(along with Tao Garden! I want some Tao Garden~).

What's bad about Iowa? The sidewalks!!!!!! They tend to randomly end. Why can't they all just connect?!?!

Ivy, I told you my next song would be Haru Haru...but as you can tell, it's not it...Sorry! I've never tried finding a Korean song online before...

Instead, I've changed the song to 流星雨 Meteor Rain by F4 (now known as JVKV?). Hum/sing along AUDREY! *moves finger in a partial circle* Ah, memories....Pineapple hair loves chicken runner...;) Ay, forget it, here's the MV too!

Miss you,



Sunday, May 10, 2009

我回来了!!!! I am coming homeeeeee!!!!

Aiyahhhh, such a mess. So, I was supposed to fly back on Tuesday, May 12th. But, apparently it has been canceled! So, I was going to fly back on Wed, but then I would miss my LA to PHX flight....So, I am now leaving Monday! AKA IN ~ 12 HOURS!!!! I will be home sooooonnnnnn. My family will be driving to LA today and pick me up tomorrow so I should be home tomorrow night!!! SO EXCITED!!!!

Yellow Mountain was amazing. Great pictures! Sore legs from walking down the mountain...I fail at walking down steps since I found out I was leaving tomorrow today, I had to see Vicky for the last right after I got off the bus, I went to meet her for Micky Ds. Before I got on the metro, my aunt called and said we left some food on the bus, so I ran back, but the bus was tired...After McDonalds, we walked a little, shopped a little, hugged a little, and said good bye :( VICKY, SEE YOU IN TWO YEARS!

I am now in the process of trying to pack. But everyone knows my amazing procrastination skills!

Song change! 我回来了 (Wo Hui Lai Le ~ I Am Home/ I Am Coming Home) by Evan Yo. Enjoy!!!

24 more hrs!

Much <3

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ferry Away

I am off to Chongming Island tomorrow for a night! Ivy, I'll try not to get kidnapped! I have a room booked. Though, getting there is still a little sketchy! Haha. The easy route, Tour Route 5, no longer exists. Metro to bus to Ferry. So I have to take Metro 1, switch to Metro 3, to Bus, to Ferry. Which will take a long time....Well, it doesn't seem like a big difference, but it is!

I finally went to Century Park. It was so amazing, because the breeze was so comfy!!!! Love wind! Just walked around the big lake, and took pictures. Tried self-caming, since I went alone.

I am missing you all to much....I want to thank you all who have kept me updated on the all the gossip and news back home! Haha, and thanks to the people who accept my random long phone calls, while dealing with my horrible phone connection! Ah, can't believe (at first I wrote 'please' does 'believe' turn into 'please'?) only a weekish left!

I don't understand toilets in China. Squatting toilets, I get. But sitting toilets,...weird. Why do you have to lift the toilet sitting thing? I'm talking about the part we sit on. Oh, and this of course just applies to the ladies' room. Why do you have to lift it?! I'm just going to move it back down, and waste another tissue. I'm you understand what I am saying? Someone please explain to me the need to lift the seat in the bathroom, only for the next person to move it back down.

My feet hurt. Way to much walking the last few days....

To you APers, good luck! *checking schedule* Ah! AP Gov today! Stats tomorrow! Calc Wed! Lit Thurs.! Euro Fri! (Do I know someone in Euro?) Bio and Physics Mon! Chem and Psych Tues! hehe, don't think my my return too much during your testing on Chemers and Psychers! Spanish Lit Fri! Did I miss any other ones? I don't think I know people who have tests the second Wed & Thurs....

Much <3

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Less than 5 More Days!!!

Yes, yesterday I said I had two more weeks. Now, I say less than 5?!

Schedule for next two weeks:
May 1: Go with family to Yangzhou. Stay the night
May 2: Return from Yangzhou.
May 3: ?
May 4: ?
May 5: ?
May 6: ?
May 7: ?
May 8: Go with aunt to Yellow Mountain
May 9: Continue Yellow Mountain trip
May 10: Return from Yellow Mountain
May 11: Meet and say buy to friends. Pack.
May 12: Leave Shanghai at 14:50 and arrive in Phoenix at 17:39.

So as you can see, I only have 5 days!!! And for night of those nights, I plan on going to Chongming Island. Thus, less than 5 days.

Things to potentionally/actually do:
- Pick up dress from frabic market
- Buy CDs, food, etc.
- Visit my cousin's university
- Spend a night with my grandparents (learn to cook a new dish)
- Mail the postcards I have finished
- Print some pictures out at Kodak
- See World Expo site
- Stop by uncle's house
- Watch Examination 1977 (in theatres!)
- Calm down and not go crazy

Much <3

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two more weeks!

It's been so long since my last post....

As the title says, two more weeks until I go home!!!!! so excited!

Audrey...yes..sweat and sour tastes amazing. The US should offer it as well! :)

Jackie, haha. maybe later.

Julia, I wish he had came....

Pungseon, nooooo is she back now?!

So as some Julia has mentioned to me, it seems like I have fallen off the other side of the world...haha. Actually, last week I was in Beijing with my grandparents. :) Saw the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube! And ate a microwaved hamburger there! The subway in Beijing is so crazy....they make you walk way too much, when you don't need to! I saw Mao Zedong!!!!! Yes, I did. Waited in a ridicously long line (long, but fast moving. bascially walked for an hour). His face is very very orange.

To Relayers, I am so sorry I didn't call!!! When you were all walking around MP, I was just getting off the train to Beijing and starting to sight see....Plus, it turned out that my calling card number doesn't work from Beijing....I did however where my Relay shirt from last year the next day!!!!!

To Promers, I really tried to call...this time, I was in Hangzhou. I called Audrey's cellphone before getting on the train, but let voice messages. Since my card number doesn't work in Hangzhou either, my dad transfered our house number phone to Audrey's cellphone...but of course, problems came. It only connected for a second. I hope the constant 1 second phone calls showed my intention of really wanting to talk to you all! Haha...and then, I called Audrey at 7AM the next morning and told her to wake up. I know you love me Audrey. :) <3

Pictures pictures. Those were supposed to be uploaded today, but I had problems with the Coffee Bean again. This time, the internet worked fine, but I couldn't log on to anything! Log-in pages just wouldn't work. No gmail, no facebook, no msn, no logging in to anything. So....must wait a few more days.

I went to the Urban Planning Center today! Amazing. Since I went late, I didn't get to see everything, but still, amazing!

I would like to thank gossip updaters. You make my day! HAHAHA.

Alanna, has left! No :( I am so saddddddddd

During my Hangzhou trip, Vicky and I discovered that Ajisen exists in Los Angeles (and New York, and Boston and some other city....). So, I have decided that when we go to Los Angeles, we HAVE TO GO TO AJISEN.

Alright, enough for now. A uncle of sorts is coming to fix this laptop (my grandpa's).

Much <3

Friday, April 3, 2009

Around the World for 80 Days

Creative title?! hahaha....

As I was on the metro after work yesterday, listening to my music, I remembered that I should change the blog music. How to choose a song though? Counting the days since I have been gone, I got 80. It's already been 80 days?! Yes. So, I went to "Shuffle Songs" and chose the 80th song. Thus, 当我们宅一块 by 罗志祥 (Show/Alan Luo). Haha. Nice song? I used to think it was annoying, but now I quite like it. The best part is when he mentions the Wii. Hahahahaha. Can you hear it?! So, as always, the blog song has a meaning. (Oh, by the way, the name of the song means "When We are Together"). Thus, even though we are on opposite sides of the world, and it's been 80 days, we are still together!!!! <3 Enjoy the song! (I hope it works okay...)

Oh! Am I wrong in assuming this week is probably a little depressing for some people? If so, I hope this song cheers you up! ;)

When I'm out and about Shanghai, I usually think of things to write about on this blog. But, when I actually sit down to write, I always forget. There's so many stories to tell you all, but just not enough time.

Here's one little fact I've been meaning to tell you all. Did you know McDonalds here only gives you Sweat and Sour sauce if you buy chicken nuggets?! How crazy is that?! I guess if they're nice, they might also give it to you if you buy other stuff...but they're not supposed to. Oh! And KFC doesn't have Mac n Cheese! What a shame...Either does KFC in Europe! What a shame...Does KFC sell chips (french fries) in the US? ....I can't remember.

Speaking of Mac N Cheese, I found Kraft Mac N Cheese!!! Yes! It was in the imported section of Carrefour! Haha...unfortunately, we don't cook at our flat. So, I tried my own way of cooking it a little. I took a plastic cup, poured in water (too much water) from the water boiler, and then poured in a little macaroni (or in this case, shells). Then, I placed a zip-lock bag over it so it would stay warm. A little while, the pasta was soft! Yay. So then, I added the cheese powder...but there was too much water. Then, I remembered the milk! And, it just so happened I had some in my backpack. Sadly, every time I touched the little milk box, it would squirt out of the straw. First onto the floor, then onto my jeans, then onto my mobile. It finally made it into the pasta cup. I stirred and stirred. Then I ate the pasta. Not very cheesy, but still satisfied a little my craving for Mac N Cheese. Hopefully I will get to eat some properly cooked Mac N Cheese soon!

New flatmates have arrived! Jamie (sp) and David! They are both from CA...actually, they're friends. Nice people! Very cheerful.

I'd like to take this chance to reply to the comments left on the last entry:

Audrey, yes I actually didn't get to eat most of the peanut stuff you all gave me before I left! Because of the peanut scare, I was told to not eat it. It's still sitting in my box...:( I only got to eat some of the crackers on the plane and the peanut butter (which I have been eating a lot the last few days). I also had some of the peanut M&Ms. Glad you like the picture! :) Hopefully when I come back, I'll be more okay with taking pictures! Haha. Yes, "sigh-idiot secretary".

Amy, !!!!!! It means so much to me that you finally commented!!! Aww. Guinea Pig! You should see the tiny (TINY) bunnies they sell here! Oh, and I saw little baby chickens,....and maybe even tiny (TINY) dogs....Does the pictures still not work?! I don't know how to make it fix it....if you still can't see's my profile picture on Gmail and Facebook!

爸爸,tsk tsk tsk. I've already told you my thoughts. :) Haha, though, thanks for the Resse's idea. Though, it's still not the same! <3 <3 <3 Love & miss you!

Julia, yes. Big bummer. I hope I feel better soon too! Sadly, no he is not coming. I so wish it though!!! By the way, thanks again for the last web chat. Haha, it was soooooo much fun. GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY.

Guess what all? I heard the most amazing version of Nobody! Haha. There's this tv show called Challenge Mr. Mic...or something along that.... It's kind of like American Idol ish....but not really. Anyways, at the beginning the hosts (two guys and a girl) always sing and perform (usually horribly at both. It's embarrassing how bad they sing...). One time, they did Nobody! Nobody Nobody But You! However, it was in Chinese, and they changed the lyrics to go with show. Something about how you are singing to beat Mr. Mic. I wish I could find the lyrics. It was so funny! I kept on clapping along!

I feel like there's something else I wanted to say....but of course, I can't remember.

Hahahahaha....I just remembered! While walking home yesterday, I think I saw Boys over Flowers on DVD! Korean version of course! I actually just remember seeing HyunJoong's face for a split second. It was on one of those fake DVD cart things. I can't believe it was already out! Wasn't the last episode on...the 31st or something? Anyways, just thought I'd let you all know! 爸爸妈妈, Boys over Flowers is the Korean version of 流星花园. :) It's really really popular. In Korean, and even China! Kinala was even watching it!

Can't have a blog post without talking about food! (yes, I already mentioned food, but I want to talk a little more). I have gone back to my usual routine of two bao zi for breakfast, a vegetable one, and a black sesame one. Yum :) This morning, I also tried Black Sesame soy milk. Took a while getting used to. Gosh....there was something else about food I was going to say...but I've forgotten....:(

I hate my short term memory. 20 seconds ago there was something I wanted to write...and now I can't remember....I've thought about it many times.....!!!! Ah, I remember. I only have one more week left of my internship!!!! After next week, I will be have a month of free time to go travel (where to....I am not yet sure). :)

Okay, I think that's it for now. Will post more hopefully soon!

Much <3

Monday, March 30, 2009


In the past week, I have decided that I crave two foods. Mac n Cheese and Reeses. It seems likes Kraft Mac n Cheese is available here...but I have yet to find it. Apparenty my family knows so maybe they will buy some for me. :) As for Reeses, WHERE ARE YOU?! There must be some place in Shanghai that sells it. Snickers are huge here.....but no Reeses. Not even at the Hershey's store. It's starting to annoy me....I just want to enjoy a Reeses....Maybe some one can post me some!!! (by post I mean mail....)

Now that three months is almost over....I am missing everyone more than other. The person I miss the most? CODY!!! Wah....someone buy him a plane ticket and send him over....

So I was sick last week. Threw up....yuck. Didn't go to work for 2.5 days. Slept over at my grandparent's house. During one of those 0.5 days of work, Alanna and I stopped by the Shanghai Musuem. Thus, the picture to the left. When I rotated the kind of got messed smushed my I had to adjust it....hope it looks okay now....
Stupid stupid secretary....she just spent ages standing around my desk pretending to look through stuff, just so she could listen in on the meeting going on in the conference room (our boss who left for good is in there).
Can't be bothered to post much right now.
Much <3